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Siguria Globale

Will Ukraine war end before 2025?

In this traumatic period, more than ever Russia tries to expand conflict zones in Western Balkans, mainly through Russian Proxy – Serbia!   Will Ukraine War end before 2025? In this traumatic period, more than ever Russia tries to expand conflict zones in Western Balkans, mainly through Russian Proxy...

Russian Influence Operations deepened in last decade

Pro-Russian Pellegrini's victory in Slovakia is a very negative indication for further EU unity in relation to Russia's neo-imperial policies. The intervention and extension of Russian influence in Europe and the Balkans is continuous. The benefit of Russia from the decisions and policies of the governments...

Conflicts in 2024 Conflicts in 2024 Can we stop things falling apart? 2024 begins with wars… and peacemaking in crisis. Worldwide, diplomatic efforts to end fighting are failing. More leaders are pursuing their ends militarily. More believe they can get away with it. This conclusion of the International Crisis Group Commentary on 1st of...

Security Sector in Kosovo – an advanced democratic model Kosovo has an advanced model of democracy for it’s security institutions. We are talking in this video about the security sector, the level of professionalism, the model, concept and the way of doing it in the community. Kosovo has built high democratic standards for security institutions. They...

Bilanci i veprimeve të pakoordinuara në veri

Bilanci i veprimeve të pakoordinuara në veri: Rritja dhe fuqizimi i EULEX-it. Në vend të përmbylljes së misionit të EULEX-it, ky mision është rritur dhe fuqizuar. • Rriten trupat e EULEX-it dhe KFOR-it në veri, • Zvogëlohet prania e Policisë së Kosovës.

Kosovo in NATO: An optimistic future

Kosovo in NATO: An optimistic future Kosova në NATO: një e ardhme optimiste Kosova në NATO do të kontribuonte në mbylljen e shqetësimeve të sigurisë dhe avancimin e proceseve politike në Ballkan. Një nismë praktike dhe e përshtatur euroatlantike për Kosovën do të ndryshonte momentin. Kjo është video...