HomeDebate të SigurisëThe more KFOR and EULEX, the less sovereignty

The more KFOR and EULEX, the less sovereignty

The more KFOR and EULEX, the less sovereignty
The “retirement” of KFOR would be the achievement of Kosovo, not the increase in the number and the return of the implementation of their power on the ground.
The growth, strengthening, democratization and consolidation of Kosovo’s public and security institutions should result in the reduction of KFOR troops and a reduction in the exercise of KFOR’s powers based on UNSC Resolution 1244.
These powers have been recognized over the institutions of the state of Kosovo with our Constitution, Article 153.
This has been an ongoing process. So, Kosovo’s institutions have been consolidated and strengthened, while KFOR troops have been reduced. Meanwhile, EULEX had restructured itself, remaining in a symbolic number of Mentoring, Monitoring and Counseling (MMA).
But the opposite is happening now.
Do not forget:
The more KFOR and EULEX, the less sovereignty.
We should have witnessed the internal restructuring of KFOR at this time.
At this time, we should receive powers from KFOR for the Kosovo Police and why not for the KSF.
I remember when in 2019 we promoted the idea that the KSF should take over the preservation of FilmCity (KFOR Central Headquarters) in Pristina.
I remember when in 2019 we promoted the idea of ​​the KSF taking over the preservation of the Monastery of Deçan, as a transitional phase to then pass it on to the competence of the Kosovo Police.
These initiatives normally took time, but now five years later the situation has worsened in this dimension.
Whenever we are happy that NATO has brought more troops to Kosovo (as needed to repel threats from Serbia or paramilitary groups), we must also remind ourselves that this means more decision-making and implementation capacity for KFOR.
Thus, decision-making and implementation by KFOR remains outside our public institutions, as a mandate derived from Resolution 1244 of the UNSC.
Therefore, it is less sovereignty for the state of Kosovo and not only in the north, but in the entire territory of Kosovo.
Because, KFOR’s mandate is not divided into certain regions in Kosovo, but includes the entire territory.
Consequently, the increase and re-enforcement of KFOR is a reduction of Kosovo’s sovereignty in total.
Let’s not talk about EULEX, which had to never be re-powered. In fact, EULEX had to remain with only 2-3 employees in total.
So, instead of reaching together with NATO to make Kosovo a state where KFOR does not have ‘PDSS’ (Property/Persons with Designation of Special Status), it seems that KFOR can add to the list of PDSS also spaces or other objects.
PDSS means Property/Person with Special Status Determination. In these cases, the Military Rules of Engagement are sharp, clear, non-compromising and include the opening of fire, namely the use of all military means to protect the PDSS.
Thus is the Monastery of Deçan.

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